Monday, May 2, 2016

Putting It In Perspective

Today marks the beginning of the last week of classes at the Mount, which means...

Finals begin next week.

And everyone knows, finals = stress. Add to this impending week the papers and reading I still have to do this week, and I'm one stressed lady.

But, I also only have thirteen days until graduation. Thirteen days living on campus with my best friends. Thirteen days of laughter and joy and nostalgia. These last two weeks should be spent enjoying my time, not locked in a library stressing out.

That's not to say I'm going to neglect studying or my responsibilities, but I'm trying to remember that in the long run, I'm probably not going to remember my GPA from my undergrad. What I will remember are spontaneous cafe dates with my friends, and going into the chapel to pray. Staying up late drinking wine and watching Netflix. Going up to the grotto.

So what if I don't do as amazing as I hoped on my Business final or get an A- on my final paper for Ethics? In a month, they're not going to matter. At all. What's going to matter is the time I spent doing things with the people I love before we go our separate ways. These are the things that will lead me to heaven, that I will remember for my entire life.

Is the stress you're experiencing going to matter when you're in heaven? Mine won't matter in less than two weeks (still can't believe it.) Try not to stress, and do things that bring you joy.

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