Saturday, April 2, 2016

An Open Letter to Porn.

Dear Porn,

It feels weird to be writing a letter to a thing... but I have some things to say to you.

First, you suck. You really, really suck. You warp the minds of those who succumb to your addictive self into thinking that humanity, real humanity off the screen, isn't good enough, because you have created these stupid, unrealistic standards for humans to meet.

You ruin lives and relationships, and yet you still remain proud and defended by many.

Even people who see the damage you do in their own lives and communities still turn to you and your lies. Because you are good at lying. You are good at making people feel good about themselves, yet not good enough all at once.

And I hate you for it.

I hate for what you've done to the people I love. I hate that you break people down and make them into shells. You make people forget their children. I hate that I can't look at certain people in my life because I know that they flirt with you and put you above all other actual relationships.

I hate knowing you've affected other people that I love and I don't even know it. You're tricky. You tell this little tale that you are both acceptable and shameful. And so no one will reach out, oh no, no one will admit they struggle with you.

I hate what you've done to society. Women are now held up to porn-star standards in sex, looks, beauty, whatever. The women on screen are preferable to real, actual, breathing women.

I hate what you've done to the human body. No longer is the human body a good in and of itself, it is the end to a means: pleasure. You have warped the human body from a beautiful gift, a temple of all things good, to something that should simply bring pleasure to others.

I hate what you've done to me. I hate how I feel like I'm tethered to you. I hate how I relapse and go back to your lies and then think that this is how my life will be forever. I hate how I hate myself because I have turned into the person I've never dreamed of being. I hate knowing that you will forever have an impact on any intimate relationship I may have. I hate knowing that maybe I'll never actually get over you and that our relationship will hurt the people I love.

But the one thing I don't hate is knowing that people are starting to recognize how harmful you are. It's amazing to see people speak up against the toxic form of intimacy you market. And I know that this opposition is just the beginning. You will not win. Love always wins, over hate, over indifference, and over lust.

Eff you.


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